Hamm, Luxembourg. 27th to 29th August 1999. All weights are in kilogrammes.
-44.0 kg
 1. Honig/Claudia/58      43.7  Germany   37.5      40.0      -45.0     best 40.0  ...  56.58
-52.0 kg
 1. Andreani/Bernadet/58  51.4  France    65.0      67.5      70.0 CRM  best 70.0  CRM  88.046
 2. Nowka/Dina/56         50.6  Germany   65.0 CRM  67.5 CRM  -70.0     best 67.5  CRM  85.927
 3. Kaule/Inge/52         50.5  Germany   52.5      55.0      -57.5     best 55.0  ...  70.125
-56.0 kg
 1. Houg/Marleen/59       55.1  Holland   67.5 CRM  70.0      72.5 CRM  best 72.5  CRM  86.391
 2. Glaris/Marie-Luis/57  55.3  France    70.0 CRM  72.5 CRM  -75.0     best 72.5  ...  86.151
 3. Louarduzzi/Silvai/58  54.9  France    65.0      -70.0     -72.5     best 65.0  ...  77.675
 4. Dabrowski/Barbara/56  53.8  Germany   50.0      55.0      -57.5     best 55.0  ...  66.775
-60.0 kg
 1. Thimm/Anita/50        58.7  Germany   75.0      77.5      -80.0     best 77.5  ...  87.884
 2. Eberhardt/Doris/55    59.1  Germany   70.0      -72.5     72.5 .NB  best 72.5  .NB  81.787
 3. Cunat/Susi/59         59.6  Austria   -67.5     67.5      72.5      best 72.5  ...  81.250
-67.5 kg
 1. Diprata/Chrisatia/57  61.7  France    82.5 CRM  85.0 CRM  87.5 CRM  best 87.5  CRM  95.471
 2. Witte/Gisela/58       65.4  Germany   75.0      80.0      87.5 CRM  best 87.5  CRM  91.384
 3. Liege/Marie-Chris/55  63.2  France    70.0      75.0      77.5      best 77.5  ...  83.033
 4. Strik/Tonia/50        61.2  Holland   70.0      75.0      -80.0     best 75.0  ...  82.350
-75.0 kg
 1. Spronk/Mariet/55      68.5  Holland   90.0      95.0      -97.5     best 95.0  ...  95.95
 2. Hagge/Ingeborg/52     72.4  Germany   -85.0     85.0      -90.0     best 85.0  ...  82.662
 3. Rohrmann/Katalin/54   67.6  Hungary   75.0      -80.0     -85.0     best 75.0  ...  76.462
-82.5 kg
 1. Paulig/Eva/54         81.0  Germany  102.5 CRM 107.5 CRM 110.0 CRM best 110.0  CRM  99.968
-90.0 kg
 1. Wampach/Brigitte/54   83.7  Luxembg   72.5      77.5      -80.0     best 77.5  ...  69.230
90.0+ kg
 1. Preikszas/Inge/55     105.7 Germany -117.5 CRM-117.5 CRM117.5 CRM best 117.5   CRM  96.397
 in the competition starting  21 Women of that agecategory.
 1.  Germany               66 points     with   6 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =12-12-12-12-9-9-
 2.  France                49 points     with   5 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =12-12-9-8-8-
 3.  Holland               31 points     with   3 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =12-12-7-
 4.  Luxembg               12 points     with   1 lifter   Club/nations  pointslist =12-
 5.  Austria                8 points     with   1 lifter   Club/nations  pointslist =8-
 6.  Hungary                8 points     with   1 lifter   Club/nations  pointslist =8-
Champ of Champions Masters I
1.Paulig/Eva/54        	Germany	99.968
2.Preikszas/Inge/55     	Germany	96.397
3.Spronk/Mariet/55      	Holland 	95.950
2nd EPF Benchpress Masters Singlediszipline Championships 27.08. 1999 Luxembourg-Hamm
Women   masters classes AC II 
-48.0 kg
 1. Heligon/Francoise/43  47.3  France    52.5      57.5 CRM  62.5 CRM  best 62.5  CRM   83.668
-52.0 kg
 1. Wang/Dagmar/48        50.8  Austria   80.0      82.5      85.0      best 85.0  ...  107.88
 2. Cherbonnel/N.Anto/43  49.1  France    67.5      72.5      75.0      best 75.0  ...   97.672
-56.0 kg
 1. Taubmann/Heidi/48     53.9  France    80.0      85.0      -87.5     best 85.0  ...  103.04
 2. Merten/Britta/39      52.7  Germany   50.0      52.5      55.0      best 55.0  ...   67.859
-60.0 kg
 1. McSwain/Dagmar/44     59.6  Austria   62.5      67.5      -70.5 CRM best 67.5  ...   75.647
 2. Schubert/Christel/45  58.6  Germany   50.0      45.0      -47.5     best 45.0  ...   51.097
-67.5 kg
 1. Soulard/Aline/42      60.4  France    70.0      75.0      -77.5 .NB best 75.0  ...   83.19
 2. Nothnagel/Ursula/36   61.2  Germany   60.0      62.5      65.0      best 65.0  ...   71.37
 3. Wimmer/Erika/40       65.0  Germany   60.0      -62.5     -62.5     best 60.0  ...   62.946
-75.0 kg
 1. Beer/Rosemarie/45     73.8  Austria   97.5 CRM  102.5 CRM 105.0 CRM best 105.0 CRM  100.84
 2. Spiegel/Renate/39     71.9  Germany   62.5      65.0      67.5      best 67.5  ...   65.940
-82.5 kg
 1. Pittermann/Roswit/46  81.7  Germany -115.0 CRM115.0 CRM 122.5 CRM   best 122.5 CRM  110.81
 in the competition starting  13 Women of that agecategory.
 1.  Germany               56 points     with   6 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =12-9-9-9-9-8-
 2.  France                45 points     with   4 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =12-12-12-9-
 3.  Austria               36 points     with   3 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =12-12-12-
Champ of Champions Masters II
1.Pittermann/Roswit/46  	Germany	110.81
2.Wang/Dagmar/48        	Austria    	107.88
3.Taubmann/Heidi/48     	France 	103.04
Champ of Champions Masters III
1. Nothnagel/Ursula/36 	Germany	 71.37

Men   masters classes AC  I 
-56.0 kg
 1. Kedziora/Czeslaw/51   55.6  Poland    105.0     110.0     112.5 CRM best 112.5 CRM   103.14
 2. Lietzau/Joachim/50    55.7  Germany   105.0     110.0     -112.5    best 110.0 ...   100.67
-60.0 kg
 1. Sitruk/Claude/50      57.4  France    142.5     150.0     -155.0 CRMbest 150.0 ...   133.33
 2. Steffen/Burkhard/50   59.7  Germany   107.5     112.5     -115.0    best 112.5 ...    96.39
-67.5 kg
 1. Rooch/Kurt/57         66.2  Germany    162.5     167.5     170.5 CRM best 170.0 CRM  133.14
 2. Kyheröinen/Reimo/52   66.3  Finland    147.5     150.0     152.5     best 152.5 ...  119.30
 3. Mirza/Zia/55          65.3  G.Britain  140.0     145.0     147.5     best 147.5 ...  116.84
 4. Heinrich/Frank/58     67.3  Germany    147.5     -152.5    -155.0 .NBbest 147.5 ...  114.00
 5. Muigg/Peter/58        66.6  Austria    -142.5    142.5     -147.5    best 142.5 ...  111.06
 6. Bette/Jacques/50      67.4  France     130.0     135.0     140.0     best 140.0 ...  108.06
_.. DiPrima/Daniel/58     67.1  France     -140.0    -145.0    -145.0    best ---.- DISQ 000.00
-75.0 kg
 1. Compain/Didier/59     74.7  France     190.0 CRM 195.0 CRM -200.0 CRMbest 195.0 CRM  139.34
 2. Fixemer/Raymond/58    71.5  Luxembg    130.0     -135.0    135.0     best 135.0 ...  99.562
 3. Kapor/Dr.Jozsef/51    70.4  Hungary    130.0     -140.0    -140.0    best 130.0 ...  96.993
-82.5 kg
 1. Hirner/Arthur/57      81.8  Germany    187.5     192.5     -200.0 CRMbest 192.5 ...  129.62
 2. Sundmann/Peter/56     80.8  Finland    -185.0    190.0     -197.5 CRMbest 190.0 ...  128.91
 3. Smith/Paul/56         79.4  Holland    185.0     -190.0    -190.0    best 185.0 ...  126.91
 4. Kaule/Hans-Jürgen/54  79.5  Germany    165.0     170.0     -187.5    best 170.0 ...  116.51
 5. Kugener/Guy/56        80.3  Luxembg    -170.0    170.0     -175.0    best 170.0 ...  115.78
 6. Rasmussen/Max/57      80.4  G.Britain  -162.5    162.5     167.5 .NB best 167.5 .NB  114.00
 7. Macek/Dusan/57        80.9  Slovakia   155.0     -165.0    -172.5 .NBbest 155.0 ...  105.07
_.. Sattler/Herbert/54    81.8  Austria    -162.5    -162.5    -162.5    best ---.- DISQ 000.00
-90.0 kg
 1. Scheffauer/Alfred/58  86.9  Austria    190.0     -197.5    -197.5    best 190.0 ...  123.55
 2. Drushinin/Pasi/56     87.8  Finland    -185.0    185.0     -192.5 .NBbest 185.0 ...  119.63
 3. Pares/Pascal/58       83.8  France     175.0     180.0     -185.0    best 180.0 ...  119.46
 4. Urbanek/Lubos/54      86.3  Czechia    135.0     -140.0    140.0     best 140.0 ...  91.392
-100.0 kg
 1. Kruk/Wieslaw/54       99.4  Poland     -240.0 CRM-240.0 CRM240.0 CRM best 240.0 ...  146.42
 2. Vastenburg/Elbert/56  94.7  Holland    -195.0    197.5     202.5 .NB best 202.5 ...  126.13
 3. Aymon/Jean-Pierre/54  98.9  Switzerland190.0     197.5     202.5 .NB best 202.5 .NB  123.78
 4. Schranz/Gerhard/55    99.4  Austria    195.0     202.5     -205.0    best 202.5 ...  123.54
 5. Wulf/Uwe/56           96.3  Germany    197.5     -202.5    -202.5    best 197.5 ...  122.11
 6. Brookes/John/55       97.3  G. Britain 190.0     -200.0    -200.0    best 190.0 ...  116.94
 7. Makil/Romain/58       98.1  Luxembg    177.5 NRM 182.5 NRM 187.5 NRM best 187.5 ...  115.01
 8. Reiss/Frank/56        92.3  Germany    185.0     -195.0    -195.0    best 185.0 ...  116.64
 9. Berg/v.d/Nico/57      95.1  Holland    170.0     -175.0    -175.0    best 170.0 ...  105.68
-110.0 kg
 1. Furmanek/Jerzy/52     100.6 Poland     -220.0    225.0     230.0     best 230.0 ...  139.63
 2. Leskinen/Esa/58       108.1 Finland    210.0     215.0     -222.5    best 215.0 ...  127.21
 3. Richter/Andreas/55    108.0 Germany    -210.0    210.0     -215.0    best 210.0 ...  124.29
 4. DeLuca/Loretto/53     103.9 Switzerland185.0     195.0     -205.0    best 195.0 ...  116.96
 5. Dobbs/John/58         108.6 G. Britain 192.5     -200.0    -200.0    best 192.5 ...  113.74
 6. Massey/Julian/56      105.3 G. Britain 145.0     -162.5    -162.5    best 145.0 ...  86.565
-125.0 kg
 1. Hamdouny/Mohammed/52  116.8 Holland    220.0 CRM 227.5 CRM -232.5 CRMbest 227.5 CRM  131.65
 2. Mrosek/Andreas/58     117.9 Germany    215.0     222.5 CRM -230.0 CRMbest 222.5 ...  128.47
 3. King/Mick/58          116.0 G. Britain 200.0     210.0     220.0     best 220.0 ...  127.53
 4. Bak/Tibor/57          122.6 Hungary    210.0     220.0     -225.0    best 220.0 ...  125.88
 5. Butzelaar/Eric/55     118.6 Holland    195.0     195.0     202.5     best 202.5 ...  116.74
 6. Hammang/Alain/50      112.0 Luxembg    187.5     195.0     200.0 NRM best 200.0 ...  117.06
 7. Vana/Bohumil/51       123.9 Czechia    200.0     -212.5    -217.5    best 200.0 ...  114.18
 8. Speth/Anton/55        114.5 Germany    185.0     190.0     195.0     best 195.0 ...  113.43
 9. Kyllönen/Toivo/58     116.1 Finland-   -185.0    185.0     195.0     best 195.0 ...  113.02
125.0+ kg
 1. Gustavsson/Yngve/59   145.9 Sweden     232.5     242.5 CRM 250.0 CRM best 250.0 CRM  138.87
 2. Pawlik/Piotr/55       129.4 Poland     -210.0    210.0     -215.0    best 210.0 ...  118.88
 3. Simon/Roy/58          178.1 G. Britain 190.0     207.5     -210.0    best 207.5 ...  111.86
 4. Hannolin/Arto/58      125.4 Finland-   205.0     -210.0    -210.0    best 205.0 ...  116.74
 5. Kelly/Lee/58          155.7 G. Britain -197.5    200.0     -205.0    best 200.0 ...  110.08
 6. Tartia/Lauri/56       134.5 Finland-   -190.0    195.0     -202.5    best 195.0 ...  109.64
 in competition starting  56 Men of that agecategory.
 1.  Germany               59 points     with   6 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =12-12-9-9-9-8-
 2.  Poland                45 points     with   4 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =12-12-12-9-
 3.  G. Britain            41 points     with   6 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =8-8-8-6-6-5-
 4.  France                37 points     with   4 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =12-12-8-5-
 5.  Holland               37 points     with   5 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =12-9-8-6-2-
 6.  Finland               36 points     with   4 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =9-9-9-9-
 7.  Austria               25 points     with   3 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =12-7-6-
 8.  Luxembg               24 points     with   4 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =9-6-5-4-
 9.  Hungary               15 points     with   2 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =8-7-
 10. Switzerland           15 points     with   2 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =8-7-
 11. Sweden                12 points     with   1 lifter   Club/nations  pointslist =12-
 12. Czechia               11 points     with   2 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =7-4-
 13. Slovakia               4 points     with   1 lifter   Club/nations  pointslist =4-
Champ of Champions
 1. Kruk/Wieslaw/54       Poland     146.42
 2. Furmanek/Jerzy/52     Poland     139.63
 3. Compain/Didier/59     France     139.34

Men   masters classes AC II 
-56.0 kg
 1. Gallart/Pierre/44     55.4  France     125.0     132.5 CRM 135.0 CRM best 135.0  CRM 124.20
-60.0 kg
 1. Geese/Rainer/43       59.2  Germany    105.0     110.0     115.0 CRM best 115.0  CRM 99.302
 2. Iglesias/Mariano/47   58.6  Spain       95.0     102.5     -110.0    best 102.5  ... 89.349
-67.5 kg
 1. Eriksson/Boerje/42    65.3  Sweden     115.0     122.5     125.0     best 125.0 ...  99.025
 2. Inkinen/Juha/48       66.6  Finland    115.0     122.5     125.0     best 125.0 ...  97.425
 3. Klockow/Manfred/48    66.5  Germany    115.0     -122.5    122.5     best 122.5 ...  95.599
-75.0 kg
 1. Kulhanek/Friedric/47  74.5  Austria    147.5     152.5 CRM -155.0 CRMbest 152.5 ...  109.17
 2. Doubel/Rene/45        74.3  France     147.5     150.0     -152.5 CRMbest 150.0 ...  107.59
 3. Jaloweczyk/Attila/47  74.7  Hungary    135.0     142.5     -150.0    best 142.5 ...  101.83
 4. Macrow/Stan/48        72.1  G. Britain 135.0     -140.0    -142.5 .NBbest 135.0 ...  98.954
-82.5 kg
 1. Hornig/Peter/47       80.7  Germany    172.5     180.0 CRM 182.5 CRM best 182.5 CRM  123.91
 2. Escolano/Luis/45      81.5  France     160.0     -167.5    -167.5    best 160.0 ...  107.98
 3. Tapp/Michael/48       79.1  G. Britain 145.0     -152.5    157.5 .NB best 157.5 .NB  108.29
 4. Bouchakour/Ali/45     79.7  France     152.5     -157.5    -160.0    best 152.5 ...  104.35
 5. Groß/Jürgen/45        80.0  Germany    -150.0    152.5     -160.0    best 152.5 ...  104.11
 6. Anderson/Norman/48    80.7  G. Britain 127.5     -130.0    130.0     best 130.0 ...  88.270
-90.0 kg
 1. Chala/Yaroslav/48     87.9  Ukraina    175.0     -185.5 CRM-185.5 CRMbest 175.0 ...  113.10
 2. Guerrero/Joseph/46    82.6  France     150.0     160.0     162.5     best 162.5 ...  108.77
 3. Wittkowski/Günthe/40  88.0  Germany    155.0     162.5     -165.0    best 162.5 ...  104.95
 4. Larue/Gerard/45       90.0  France     155.0     160.0     -162.5    best 160.0 ...  102.14
 5. Schrör/Rüdiger/43     88.3  Germany    -150.0    150.0     -155.0 .NBbest 150.0 ...  96.705
 6. Mattila/Kari/45       87.2  Sweden     140.0     147.5     -150.0    best 147.5 ...  95.742
 7. Kanerva/Olli/48       88.5  Finland    -135.0    135.0     140.0     best 140.0 ...  90.160
-100.0 kg
 1. Äijö/Juhani/37        99.1  Finland    200.0     205.0     212.5     best 212.5 ...  129.79
 2. Schubert/Roland/40    97.0  Germany    185.0     192.5 NRM 195.0 NRM best 195.0 NRM  120.17
 3. Dieghi/Joseph/49      97.9  France     187.5     190.0     195.0     best 195.0 ...  119.71
 4. Perusch/Manfred/42    97.9  Austria    180.0     -185.0    -185.0    best 180.0 ...  110.50
 5. Engebretsen/Egil/39   97.3  Norway     150.0     160.0     -165.0    best 160.0 ...  98.480
 6. Ulrich/Rene/39        98.3  Switzerland147.5     -155.0    -157.5    best 147.5 ...  90.402
_.. Baker/Tony/44         96.6  G. Britain -185.0    -185.0    -185.0    best ---.- DISQ 0000.0
-110.0 kg
 1. Dytkiewiecz/Franz/48  106.8 Germany    200.0     215.0 CRM 225.0 CRM best 225.0 CRM  133.67
 2. Kronkamp/Jack/43      101.6 Holland    190.0     195.0     200.0     best 200.0 ...  120.96
 3. Ramsauer/Georg/47     100.6 Germany    170.0     175.0     180.0     best 180.0 ...  109.27
-125.0 kg
 1. Tekulics/Tibor/46     111.0 Hungary    190.0     202.5 CRM -212.5 CRMbest 202.5 CRM  118.84
 2. Boström/Georg/47      123.9 Sweden     137.5     147.5     152.5     best 152.5 ...  87.062
 3. Bevan/John/48         113.2 G. Britain 135.0     145.0     150.0     best 150.0 ...  87.54
125.0+ kg
 1. Tuomikoski/Erkki/47   129.4 Finland    190.0     200.0     -210.0    best 200.0 ...  113.22
 2. Säätelä/Päiviö/36     129.2 Finland    182.5     190.0     -195.0    best 190.0 ...  107.57
 3. Dobroi/Eduard/41      135.8 Estonia    -160.0    160.0     -170.0    best 160.0 ...  89.824
 in competition starting  39 Men of that agecategory.
 1.  Germany               61 points     with   6 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =12-12-12-9-8-8-
 2.  France                54 points     with   6 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =12-9-9-9-8-7-
 3.  Finland               42 points     with   4 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =12-12-9-9-
 4.  G. Britain            28 points     with   4 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =8-8-7-5-
 5.  Sweden                26 points     with   3 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =12-9-5-
 6.  Hungary               20 points     with   2 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =12-8-
 7.  Austria               19 points     with   2 lifters  Club/nations  pointslist =12-7-
 8.  Ukraina               12 points     with   1 lifter   Club/nations  pointslist =12-
 9.  Holland                9 points     with   1 lifter   Club/nations  pointslist =9-
 10. Spain                  9 points     with   1 lifter   Club/nations  pointslist =9-
 11. Estonia                8 points     with   1 lifter   Club/nations  pointslist =8-
 12. Norway                 6 points     with   1 lifter   Club/nations  pointslist =6-
 13. Switzerland            5 points     with   1 lifter   Club/nations  pointslist =5-
Champ of Champions
 1. Dytkiewiecz/Franz/48  Germany    133.67
 2. Äijö/Juhani/37        Finland    129.79
 3. Gallart/Pierre/44     France     124.20

4th Attmpts
 Gustavsson/Yngve/59   Sweden     255.0 CRM  goodlift  

Thanks to Heiner Köberich and Gaston Parage for providing these results.
| David Hinchley 30 Aug 1999